Work package 1

Ascertaining the overall requirements and user requirements

Copyright studiokurbos

The development of innovations and their successful positioning in the marketplace is a highly sensitive process that is often marred by failure. Established estimates put the flop rate of market innovations at between 70 and 90%. Market flops result in severe losses for the affected companies, since their development efforts, which often span many years, do not pay off. By taking a user-centered approach to development, the risks due to market flops can be reduced, thus leading to better business results. For the reasons already stated, RUMBA is committed to taking a user-centered approach, which – as implemented in WP1 – begins with the systematic analysis and processing of the requirements of users and other stakeholders.


Work package objective:

The aim of WP1 is to ascertain the requirements from the research perspective and from the point of view of users and other stakeholders. The requirements are then collated, analyzed, and organized. A primary focus is on the freedoms offered by an SAE level 4 system and the associated new possibilities in vehicle interior design. The different user groups as well as driver tasks and activities at various levels of automation are taken into consideration here alongside a coordination and harmonization with ergonomics specifications and technology trends.
The findings from WP1 are used to identify solution spaces for the design of a good user experience; to derive requirements for concept development in WP2 and WP3; and to prepare success criteria for evaluation in WP5. In addition, a comparison is made with WP6 in order to align potential requirements from WP1 with technical requirements from WP6. Fulfillment of the requirements that are determined here will be checked in all iteration phases of the project.

RUMBA_Arbeitspakete im Überblick_v1

Work package 1

Ascertaining the overall requirements and user requirements

Work package 4

Concept realization and system integration

Work package 2

Development of new vehicle interior concepts

Work package 5

Evaluation of the concepts in terms of driving safety and user experience

Work package 3

Developing concepts for ride characteristics

Work package 6

Development of a user condition monitoring system